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No sound from left speaker of my FW21Z


No sound from left speaker of my FW21Z

My VGN-FW21Z is just one month old. Left speaker always produced less volume how ever last few days the behaviour of sound got more erratic. first the craking noises started then the speaker went dead completly and now it seems very unpredictable when ever I start the laptop,it could be dead left speaker or could be very low volume or craking noises.I bought the product from UK but warranty is not covered in the middle east.Reading some threads it is obious the Audio quality and reliablity is not one of the strongest point of sony laptops.
So any Vaio expert can help me out on this!!!


Hi Mr master and welcome.

The erratic nature of the problem means that it is almost certainly a hardware problem - probably a poor connection.

This will usually mean that the Vaio needs taking apart and the sound circuitry checked.

You can send it back to Vaio Europe for repair (unfortunately the carriage will be at your cost as you do not have the optional international warranty) of get someone local to look at it (and lose your warranty). You will have to make that decision.

Just try one thing. Sometimes the headphone jack plug can cause this if there is a poor contact inside the socket - try inserting and removing a stereo headset plug a few times in case some dirt is preventing a good connection on one of the channels.

Do both channels work OK with a headset? If so a small pair of external speakers may be the answer until you are next back in the UK>



Thank you for your reply, yes there is sound on both sides when using the head phones but left speaker is completly dead with out external speakers or head phones.This is my first sony lap top, probably be the last one. HP, I am coming back to you baby.


three weeks and counting. the lousy sony support team would not contact me. I have spent 1300 pound on this crap laptop and refuse to spend a penny more on oversees calls to get support and its their duty any how to call me, if there is sense of duty. come guys whats wrong with all of you!!!


Three weeks and counting, Dispite of dozens of emails sent to the sony support team, they would not call me, they keep promising to call on email reply but then just dont bother. not sure what is lousier? The product or after sale support!
I spent 1300 pounds on this crap product which broke down in few weeks and now I am not willing to spend another 20 or 40 pound on oversees calls. Sony support staff if you have any sense of duty and any sense of ethics left then do your god damn job properly.Repair this piece of crap so I can sell it and buy a proper brand. one thing is for sure

Hi Mr master,

I've checked with Sony and they have informed us that they have tried to contact you but without success, I guess this could be due to different time zones.. :thinking:

Hopefully you should receive an email or similar soon to agree on a suitable time to contact you.

Please keep us informed on the progress.