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New VGN-AR71S New USB Tuner (Cynergy Hybrid T USB XS FM) not working


New VGN-AR71S New USB Tuner (Cynergy Hybrid T USB XS FM) not working

Hello everyone,

Apologies if I inadvertently fail correct procedures. The tuner works fine as long as my computer is turned on. When I program a recording in the future and turn computer to hibernate or sleep the computer wakes but I think there is on every occurence of waking from sleep a no tuner or bad signal message so no recording takes place.

If I leave the computer turned on all future programming works fine. I have asked sony e support they say it is a driver problem. They suggested I check properties of USB in device manager and tick a box in power settings to say "allow this device to wake computer" but this option is greyed out.

I have asked Terratec and they say itmay be a problem with task Scheduler and I should create a task to open notebook when the computer starts. According to history in task Sceduler it runs ok but I nver see notebook open when I restart so I don't understand

Microsoft sent me a link to knowledge base I have read lots of the psotings there but haven't as yet found one that helpsme.

Is there anyone who could advise me how to sort this problem out?

Thanks for reading this