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InterVideo WinDVD BD for vaio - crashes when i try to close it (help requested)


InterVideo WinDVD BD for vaio - crashes when i try to close it (help requested)

I seem to be having problems with InterVideo WinDVD BD for vaio. I can open it up and watch my DVDs - however, when i try to close it seems to hang up and not respond and not close down properly.

I have InterVideo WinDVD BD for vaio - the software that came pre-loaded with my laptop.

When i try to close down it has the following message:

WinDVD MFC application not working.

It was functioning ok the firstcouple of times - but now fails to close properly everytime.

Any ideas how i can fix this problem simply.




Ok, I solved the problem.

Back up all your pictures/documents/videos etc that are on your C drive and D drive and anything else you want to save onto discs using the backup procedures as explained in your booklets enclosed with your vaio.

Restore the whole system by turning your off your vaio, turn back on and when the vaio logo appears, press F10. this will take you through the restore system procedures. select skip when it asks you to restore the C drive and go on to restore the whole of your system.

this whole long process takes about 1hr 30mins.

It will restore your vaio to the state it was in when you took it out the box.

The downside is you will have to download all the software such as msn messenger and any security package you chose for your machine to get your vaio to the state its in now.

You will lose everything from your C drive. but you did back everything up right? !


The upside is you can choose what to download from the Sony Vaio downlaod centre.

The reason why you cant play the spiderman 3 disc and your getting the WINDVD BD MFC application failure message is bcus of a CONFLICT in the updates from Sony!!!!!

after you have put all the shit back on your vaio, DOWNLOAD ONLY THE TWO WIN DVD BD UPDATES AND NOTHING ELSE FROM THE SONY VAIO UPDATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i have done this and my vaio now plays spiderman 3 and my F drive works fine


I've got the vaio vgn-aw 11s/b.

Everything with the Intervideo WinDVD-Player worked quite well. After this update the player stops with the error message WinDVD MFC Application doesn't work anymore (okay, I traanslated it from the german version...).

I can't believe I should reset my vaio to the original state - I've invested more then 3 days to get it into the state it is now... 😞

Any other suggestions?

TNX - Adariius


I've got the vaio vgn-aw 11s/b.

Everything with the Intervideo WinDVD-Player worked quite well. After this update the player stops with the error message WinDVD MFC Application doesn't work anymore (okay, I traanslated it from the german version...).

I can't believe I should reset my vaio to the original state - I've invested more then 3 days to get it into the state it is now... 😞

Any other suggestions?

TNX - Adariius


After several months of failing to get any sensible suggestions from Sony, and resigned to the fact that i would forever see this message, suddenly my vaio support tool prompted me upload the latest win dvd update (a newer version than the one i initially mentioned on the thread) - i went ahead (not really expecting it to work) & to my surprise the software began to work properly.

I would suggest you ask Sony to send you a copy of the WinDVD software (after all you have paid for it when you bought your laptop - i agree with you there is NO reason to delete all software just because one bit of software develops a fault. If enough people ask, then Sony should eventually listen to its customers & supply them with the software.