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Dissappointed with the AR61ZU with Vista


Dissappointed with the AR61ZU with Vista

The unit itself is fantastic, but with Vista, the ZR61ZU is a complete dog to use. Crashes often, hardware items don't work properly due to drivers (which Sony deny), it's sluggish (slower than my old 3GHz Sempron) and eats battery like they were going out of style.

I *DESPERATLY* want to go back to XP. Found some of the drivers and managed to get a dual-boot setup going with some bodged nVidia & Sound drivers but it's not good enough. Spending this amount of money on a unit which is not fully usable is a disgrace.

Sony support replied to my case with a very nasty reply stating if I put anything other then Vista on it will damage it beyond repair! They really should grow up. I've witness Sony support before (or lack of it) so I knew I would be pretty much on my own when I bought this unit.

So, has anyone any luck getting Vista useable or a decent XP on the AR61ZU? I'm putting a collection of working drivers together so maybe we could all combine forces! I believe the AR51ZU is the same machine?

Other current Vista problems include the hardware tv encoder showing OK in Media Centre but nowhere else. A reinstall of the driver helped, but the input has corruption in ANY application (Sony's reply was to reinstall my applications! - Don't know why I bother emailing them!). So, I can't import video for editing. The unit, when on standby, wakes itself up between 3 and 7am for no reason (checked and disabled lots in Task Scheduler). When it does, Vista locks and will no longer boot up (until you do a known-good boot).

On the flip-side, I've tried Linux Mint and Ubuntu and they are quite simply awesome on this machine so I know it's down to Vista (XP is pretty damn quick as well!). GRUB unfortunately won't boot off a RAID 0. Has anyone done a setup so it will boot GRUB off a USB pen drive, then transfer to the RAID0 to continue booting?


thanks i will be waiting


Damn, thank God I research upon this model!

I was ready to order this model, but my worries had to do about Vista since I'm using Solid Edge which runs on XP.

I think I'll stick to my XP Vaio for a few more months and see what happens.

It's too bad one cannot order it with XP instead of Vista...



any news yet? I have the display working and sound card, but i cannot get the head phone socket working. Any advice?


Still ironing out a few "niggles". For anyone thinking of buying any laptop, make sure it has XP drivers!! When devices no longer have XP drivers, we're all going to hell (or Apple or Linux, I've not decided yet).

Anyway, one of my 4 Hibernation problems (basically, where it wouldn't at all).
Have 3 things left...

* Coming out of hibernation/standby, the keyboard sometimes gets stuck in a state where the shift key is permanently down and a reboot is required to fix it, so not much use.

* The Marvell Yukon driver is total crap. When you awake from hibernation/sleep, it sometimes errors, disappears or won't connect.

* Sometimes, it won't let you hibernate unless the Marvell Yukon driver sees a network cable connected.

I'm still working on it. I'll hopefully write it all down when it's sorted.


I feel i must come to the rescue of AR61ZU running vista, i have nothing but praise for this Model.

This is my first taste of Vista, and i like the look a feel of it, i haven't experienced any haradware issues, crashes, or any problems with software I've loaded.

I for one am happy with Vista and intend to stay with it.

I bought a Sony AR51SU which came with Vista Ultimate. It crashes, some pre-installed programmes don't always work or crash. Although it has a 25% faster processor than my Philips MT1800 desktop (which runs Vista Home Premium without any problems at all) it performs woefully slower. It really is a poor show for a £2000 laptop. The only benefit I have got from it is that it will (sometimes) play Blu Ray discs. All in all I'm not a happy bunny and I spend most of my time on my desktop.
I strongly suspect that these are Sony problems and not Vista problems as my Philips works fine.


Yes, the Sony machine has a few design issues (like why is the headphone socket not on the front, but right next to the Blu-Ray drive so the plug & cable get caught when you open the draw?) (and why is the keyboard not backlit?)

BUT, since I've been running XP on this for well over a month, the machine has become very useable and stable and I've not put my desktop on for weeks. I only ever hibernate and sleep the machine and it does fine. Admittedly, I have to reboot it after a few weeks whereas my old Acer would go for months, but this seems to be just down to the Marvell Yukon driver which is VERY buggy. Everything else is fine. I've dealt with other peoples notebooks and many (including Packard Bell and Toshiba) are terrible machines with Vista on and I've helped those users upgrade to XP and are now very happy. At the end of the day, if you don't use Vista for much (some email & surfing) you'll be fine. If you really want to *USE* a computer, you have to move to XP. I get a much longer battery life since moving to XP as well !!!

Sorry, not had chance to finish the guide. I have a LOT of files and I went through a lot of different drivers and registrys so it's all a bit messy to put together. It's a powerful machine and has not failed to perform any tasks from playing 3D games, blu-rays, DVDs, movies, compiling DVDs, transcoding video for various devices.

If only Sony (who, as usual have their head in the sand and terrible after-sales support) would listen and put together an XP pack. Don't forget, Windows isn't the only option. Linux Mint runs rather nice on this 😉

does anyone have a list of drivers and their locations for VGN-AR61ZU?

Anyone know if the same route can be used on the AR61M?


Hi. HUGE apologies for not getting back with this a lot sooner. I spent SOOOOOOO much time trying to fix the mess that *&^%ing Sony made with this Vista install when I went to XP that I completely lost which of the hundreds of megabytes of drivers I'd used etc. I also had to hack the registry with some of the vista stuff to get working.
(Those links can be found on various threads on this forum. Sorry, I can't give you a copy of my registry!!!)

Anyway, since I've found a tool which can export and import sets of running drivers, so I've exported all my drivers from my almost-fully working system (except the camera which still only works under Vista, along with the DVB Tuner and infra-red sensor) to Rapid Share.
It uses DriverBackUp!2 from SourceForge and is included in the package.

Even though it's late, hopefully someone will find this useful as the notebook CAN be a decent product (when the paint stops chipping off - been back to Sony for repair already for that!).
I'll avoid Sony products from now on as they seem to have lost their way, but I can recommend their repair service (very fast). Should of got a Mac or another Acer, but hey, it's done now.

I expect this to work with the other variants of this machine.

Download Here