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change in tasbar icon reading

change in tasbar icon reading

Evening all,

here is an interesting one.

I have an icon on my tasbar which used to show my actual connection speed to the internet (my provider is BT). During the following events I should add that there was no loss of tasbar icon only what it read.

I have just upgraded my security software to Norton Internet Security 2009 - now, coincidently or as a result of this, I have lost the ability to show 'actual' connection speed (in my case anywhere between 3.7 and 4.2 Mbps), for some reason it has 'switched' to reading 'maximum connection' speed possible for ethernet link which is constant at 100Mbps.

Now interesting thing is, my computer boots up quicker to a usable web page than it did before.
So, did my laptop have, or indeed still have somewhere, a piece of software that actually measured my connection speed before showing this icon, hence the longer boot time before? More to the point, where has the ability to show 'actual' connection speed in the icon gone?

Contacted Norton, who were most helpful, but they say there is no way that their upgrade could have caused the change. Also contacted BT (much less helpful), who said, when I could explain the problem several times, that this icon only ever shows 'max connection' speed - when I explained what it used to show and how could I restore facility, they said they couldn't help. Thought I would add this in case anyone might suggest contacting them.

Any ideas anyone please?
