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Browser keep Buffering....


Browser keep Buffering....

We have just purchased a Sony Laptop ns10, however we are finding that when we are connected to the Internet it frequently stops working and internet explorer continues to upload, we could just be browsing and then clicking to go to a new link or page it will just keep buffering, the internet is still working and we have 2 other laptops in the house being used at this time also.
The only way we can cure this is to switch off and log back on and reboot.

Has anybody got any ideas? We have reset all internet connections as suggested on the help page and also we have done a system restore, to the day after we set the laptop up and still to no avail.

We can 'surf' for about an hour before this happens normally
Jason :slight_frown:


Hi Jason,

welcome to Club VAIO.. :slight_smile:

Do you get any error messages.?

Once the page has frozen have tried restarting IE without running add-on.?

To do this right click on the Internet Explorer icon on the desktop and select run without addons..

Have you tried using another browser, something like firefox.?

If so do you still have the same problems.?