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AR21S crashed *blue screen error message*


AR21S crashed *blue screen error message*


My laptops screen went disorientedö colors got mixed and had vertical lines so i thought this may be a software program maybe the proper driver for the video card deleted. So i decided to reinstall the whole windows by using the system recovery tool.

I start my laptopö press F10 go into VAIO System Restore to install wimdows but just before is starts to install i get this blue error screen which i have no idea about.

is it a software issue or maybe a burnt chipset on my video card,

any help would be soo appreciated as im soo stucki



i just got my laptop back from a computer repair store that charged me 120 pounds just for diagnosing the problem. Apparently, (even though when i tried this id didnt work) they connected my laptop to an external monitor it was fine so they are saying its the screen. so i need to get another screen! 😮 what do you think can cause a laptop to kill 2 screens in 2 years? its like 1 new screen a year and they are very expensive screens.

Thanks Rich,

Hi prednisolon,

I'm really sorry, but I just don't know what to suggest next. I suspect a hardware problem with the video card but am at a loss to explain why a retail version of Vista installs (albeit whithout full video functionality) but not the XP Vaio recovery media.

I can appreciate your disappointment with the product and I too would be extremely p**sed off having spent that amount of cash to have it go belly up in less than 2 years!
i already had to buy/change the screen once (600 pounds)

Grasping at straws here, but when was this? If it was screen only and not graphic card related then probably of no help.However if the problem is related then possibly the repair warranty may cover it?

EDIT Sorry in the previous post I should have pointed you at the Vista drivers for the AR31S