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Is the Kindle better than the PRS-650 for PDF documents?

Is the Kindle better than the PRS-650 for PDF documents?

Perhaps a somewhat inflammatory question for a Sony forum.

At the risk of being moderated, however, I would concede that currently the Kindle IS better for PDF documents than the Sony PRS-650. I bought my PRS-650 in September, and did post some questions regarding the fact that I had some PDFs which would not open. These were confidential, Visa specification PDFs, so I cannot distribute them for testing.

I did, however, try the same PDF document that shows "Invalid Page" on my PRS-650, on a friend's new Kindle that he got for Christmas. It works on his Kindle. I was, quite simply, gutted. The document is a PDF v1.6 document.

In fairness, I see that the Sony reader just uses Adobe Reader software. But surely there must be an update which could fix this issue?

Come on Sony - your hardware is better with the touchscreen - and I can live without network connectivity. But not being able to read some PDFs is unforgiveable - particularly when the cheaper (and apparently inferior for PDFs) Kindle can do so perfectly well.


Message was edited by: Dublevay