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HVR-HD1000E - difficulty capturing from tape to pc

HVR-HD1000E - difficulty capturing from tape to pc

Hi Guys,

New guy on the block.

Having a bit of difficulty getting PowerDirector 18 to recognise my camera using HDMI cable - Had previously downloaded 23 DV tapes of footage with no problem, but for some reason, the camera is not being recognised at all, no matter what software I use. With things opening up now I finally managed to get my first days shooting in but now can't find a way to download it to PC (Windows 10) - I have tried new HDMI cables which work fine with other equipment but no joy with the camera yet. Has anyone had similar problems and if so, how did you overcome the problem?

Not applicable

This forum is for regular Sony AV products, this is a pro unit.

I would recommend getting in touch with Sony pro reps.