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Sony Bravia 43W756CSU loud pop

Sony Bravia 43W756CSU loud pop

Our Sony Bravia 43W756CSU has just made a loud pop noise and then everything went black and now won't turn on. I've unplugged it for safety. Is the TV now just broken or is it something we can look into fixing?

Any suggestions welcome.

Thank you

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It absolutely depends on what went pop, and why, which only an examination by a TV repairer can tell you.


It cold be just an internal fuse, or maybe the power supply has blown, both of which are cheap to fix, or perhaps the main board is a smoking ruin, which isn’t.


Have you got a meter you can put on the power supply, see if it is still working? See if the mains lead to it is still working - it could be as simple as that fuse.


You could ship it off to Sony to look at:-

but as a set now six years old, best find out if it is economic to repair.


See what Sony will charge to look at it, or maybe get a local repairer in, get an estimate. That might be your best first bet.


There’s one on eBay for £290, to give you some idea of the cost of replacing it exactly, but that would be absurd (as is that price!); current 43” TVs, comparable and better, start below £380, if yours can’t be economically repaired,

My favourite bedtime reading is a Sony product manual…

Thank you for your advice. We have ordered a new power supply in case it's that in the first instance. After that we'll check the other things you mentioned.

Thank you