Picture size issues with Sky Q


Picture size issues with Sky Q

I've recently upgraded to Sky Q but now all films seem to show on my TV in wide screen with thick black banners at the top and bottom of the screen. Some other channels also do not fill the entire screen and I never had this issue with Sky HD. Sky have visited and said it is nothing to do with the box but I can't find any available changes on the TV that sort the issue. Anyone had a similar issues and have any idea how to resolve?



@Jaszkiewicz wrote:

I've recently upgraded to Sky Q but now all films seem to show on my TV in wide screen with thick black banners at the top and bottom of the screen. Some other channels also do not fill the entire screen and I never had this issue with Sky HD. Sky have visited and said it is nothing to do with the box but I can't find any available changes on the TV that sort the issue. Anyone had a similar issues and have any idea how to resolve?


Can't speak for Sky Q, but most films are made in 21:9, so showing them on a 16:9 screen makes them 16:7.6, so you get a 16:0.7 black band top and bottom, to preserve the movie's aspect ratio.


Below the PROG button on the remote for my Sony Android TV, there is a button whose graphic is a circle in a rectangle (I.e. a TV) with crosshairs superimposed on it, horizontal/vertical, with arrowheads at the ends of the arms of the cross.


This is the aspect ratio control. Press this when watching Sky Q, and if the control is available there, see if there is a setting you like better; generally, you can either have the picture a bit taller and thinner, to fill the screen, or zoomed to fill it, which preserves the aspect ratio, but cuts off the edges of the picture.


Your choice of course, but me, I like the default with the black bands.


YouView Superuser, but not an employee of YouView, nor retained by them for this purpose. It's purely me speaking